A game changer for the global food system

After over six months of exciting design and development, Blesbok Enterprises recently delivered 2,000 custom-made containers to our inspiring client Beyond Ag, to assist in their mission of reshaping the global food system through sustainable agriculture.

Each new tub houses Beyond Ag’s Black Soldier Flies, transforming food waste into protein and all-natural and organic fertiliser, generating tons of sustainable feed for farms across the country.

Compared to composting, the Beyond Ag system is 10x faster, produces 70% less pollution and produces 40x more valuable products. It’s an innovative, scalable and fascinating process.

Through close client consultation, and having a deep understanding of the product, process and end goal, our engineering team designed the exact specifications required for the tubs, to provide optimal results at the best possible price.

We delivered 3D-printed prototypes to conduct hours of testing and ensured the design specs were perfect – which everyone agrees, they are!

Best wishes to Phoebe Gardner, Alex Arnold and your amazing team at Beyond Ag. We love your mission and are extremely proud to partner with you, working on one of the most exciting and impactful problems on the planet today.

It’s a game changer in the future of sustainable agriculture.

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