Established in 2002, Blesbok Enterprises is a specialist international sourcing company, combining high quality products, with focused, personal customer service and guaranteed performance. Our dedicated team of experienced, knowledgeable and trusted professionals, has a strong reputation as the leading one-stop shop for product sourcing, packaging solutions, manufacturing, quality control, and distribution.

We do all the groundwork, to achieve the best possible pricing, providing significant savings whilst giving you a strong competitive advantage.

Meet the Blesbok Team

Our passionate and talented team are experts in product sourcing, packaging solutions, sustainability, importing, exporting, engineering, quality management, logistics, consumer and B2B marketing and supporting services.

Nevil Lazarus


Seeing my daughter Elli Cohen take the reins at Blesbok as an amazing sales oriented, driven and excited businesswoman is something I’m extremely proud of. As such, I’ve now graduated to become Blesbok’s accountant since I’m a qualified CA :).

What I love and what our clients love about our business is that we have a dynamic offering where we enable customers to do what they do best – promote and sell their products without having to invest in manufacturing. Blesbok is their personal factory, enabling clients to run their businesses with maximum return on investment. Importantly we never own their intellectual property, this is always owned by the client.

What I enjoy most about what we do every day at Blesbok is seeing strategies come to fruition, taking on new opportunities and growing with our customers. We have a multitude of wonderful examples of this, and incredible success stories, of which I’m extremely proud.

When I’m not at Blesbok you’ll find me taking wildlife photography – a lifelong passion of mine.

My goal in life is ‘to live my business life and my private life in the way that I wish to be thought of and spoken about when I am no longer living.’

Please contact me, Elli, or any of our amazing team for expert advice, guidance and assistance – any time.


Elli Cohen

General Manager

At Blesbok, our mission is to work with customers to solve their sourcing and manufacturing requirements, bringing an idea to reality. We are invested in positive outcomes for our customers. Their success is our success.

We have a great habit of holding on to our customers because we are invested in their success and they can tell we genuinely care and are here to support their business growth.

All our decisions are based on the best interests of our clients. Whether working with small start-ups or multi-nationals we work with passion, honesty, intelligence and integrity. 

And we bring the same practice and philosophy to our valued and loyal suppliers and our employees.   

I am passionate about providing a dynamic, positive and nurturing work environment for our team. Working collaboratively with a positive, driven, capable team in the office everyday is a great source of inspiration.

I like to think of myself as a highly organised multi-tasker. My grandfather always said: ” If you need something done, give it to someone who is busy.”

Outside of work, I enjoy running and exercising, shopping, cooking and family (not necessarily in that order!)

Contact me if you need any help with bringing a concept to reality!

Yariv Ktalav

Technical Manager

How would I describe what I do at Blesbok Enterprises? Technical, quality, compliance, Fitment for Purpose, NPD.

I love the variety in what I do, the freedom of expression, the problem solving and of course our team spirit and team cooperation.

My mantra at work is: “Life is a never ending process of improvement… never hesitate to have yet another iteration!” 

Contact me if you need any help with… anything – big or small.

Julian Penagos

Business Consultant

Hola! I’m Julian Penagos, and I’m the spreadsheet “geek.” 

As Blesbok’s Business Consultant, I’m passionate about process improvements, I think strategically, I enjoy finding practical solutions to everyday challenges and I know the importance of happy customers

I am very lucky to work with amazing workmates that have become my second family. 

Contact me if you need help with stock availability, delivery schedules, status updates and general enquiries. 

David Dellagiacoma

Engineered Products Sourcing and Development

As part of the Blesbok team, I work to resolve engineering and sourcing issues for our customers.

I enjoy applying proven principles and learnings to new situations, then adding a new twist.

Our team at Blesbok has the right skill sets, and we work to principles which I’m proud to live by, as we all exude a positive, can-do attitude.

My advice to customers is whether you’re bringing a new product to market or changing suppliers (or going through any kind of change), it doesn’t need to be a game of chance, a black art or a trek into the unknown. There are people intimately familiar with that road, and carry a bright torch. Combine forces, learn together, manage the risks, and get to your new place. Or just ask Blesbok to help you do it!

Also Kenneth Koch said in “One train may hide another”: “Observe how your first or most ‘obvious’ solutions to a problem can often detract from some far more ideal solutions waiting quietly in the background. Pause to let the first one pass and discover something truly new.”

Contact me if you need a fresh set of eyes on your supply chain or sourcing. Or if it bugs you that a product or component is lazy and not really pulling its weight for you. Or when the design constraints and business imperatives on a product have you wedged in a corner.


Daniel Nguyen

Product Design Engineer

I love to take on the technical part of a challenge that often involves design and problem solving.

I am a fan of ‘Kaizen’, a concept made famous by Toyota. It roughly translates to continuous improvement and highlights the importance of making refinements no matter how small which will eventually lead to a large net improvement.

Blesbok has a great team that works together to deliver the best possible product for our clients.

Please contact me if you need any help with designs, technical drawings or anything related to engineering. 

Cepheus Wang

Sourcing Specialist

I specialise in sourcing all types of packaging products and provide all the necessary information before an order is placed.

Blesbok has a great team with outstanding corporate ethics. Everyone is helpful and eager to contribute to the growth of the company by being a one-stop-shop for the manufacture, quality control and supply of products.

A quote I live by is: “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity” by Albert Einstein.

Johana Diaz

Procurement and accounts manager

I have the privilege to work with an amazing and professional team. I absolutely love the variety of projects we work on, giving us the ability to work closely and strategically with our customers and suppliers on the same goal – making the experience of working with Blesbok Enterprises mutually beneficial and enjoyable.

Every project is possible at Blesbok and every client is important to us. Our aim is to make your customer experience effortless, easy, simple, smooth, and consistent.

Please also contact me if you ever need any help with accounting queries or anything at all from Blesbok Enterprises. 

Rebecca Xue

Sourcing Specialist

I am proud of always providing the best practical solutions for our clients, working with a range of different clients, and understanding their individual needs, requests and specifications. 

Thankfully, at Blesbok Enterprises, we have a really great team, and we all work very closely together to make every project a seamless and successful one.

The quote I like to live by is: “Don’t spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.” – Fashion Designer, Coco Chanel.

Please contact me if you need any help with packaging inspiration and exploration.

Hunter Lin

Sourcing Associate

As a Sourcing Associate for Blesbok Enterprises, I see myself as a treasure hunter in the realm of commerce.

My mission? To uncover suitable suppliers, negotiate the best deals, and procure high-quality goods and services to deliver optimal outcomes for our clients. 

At Blesbok we are more than just about business; we’re dedicated to nurturing enduring relationships with suppliers and customers.

The quote I like to live by is: “You cannot buy trust; you have to earn it.” – Munia Khan. 


Christine Anne Meneses

Logistics & Accounting

AKA the Delivery Orchestrator😁

Blesbok is all about teamwork and excellence – we are always here to help you!

Outside of work my passion is cooking – I find it very therapeutic.

Contact me if you need help with delivery issues, timing or even recipes :). 

Sophia Shen

Logistics Coordinator

I focus on creating and monitoring shipments between customers, suppliers, and agents. I am passionate about effectively solving problems and growing together with our customers.

Why Blesbok Enterprises? Because we are all about excellence, teamwork, and customer priority. Blesbok makes everything possible.

Please contact me if you need any help with logistics planning, delivery or any general inquiries.

Yohei Sei

Logistics Coordinator

I specialise in providing products for customers and monitoring the distribution of goods. 

Outside of work I enjoy playing football, boxing and I am an Arsenal fan.

I love to work with people and am passionate about assisting customers’ success.

Blesbok has brilliant teamwork and professional ethics. We work tirelessly to provide clients with efficient, high standard solutions.

The quote I like to live by, which is also great advice for clients is: “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” – by Leonardo Da Vinci.

Please contact me if you need any help with delivery issues, stocks, status updates, and general enquiries.

The Blesbok Enterprises Story

After selling a successful distribution company, Nevil Lazarus and his business partner, the late Nigel Pringle, saw a gap in the market – the need for a professional sourcing business in Australia. They found an amazing contact in Shanghai who had just established a sourcing operation in China, and together they realised the potential of a new product sourcing, manufacturing and distribution business.

Staying at the Peace Hotel in Shanghai in 2002 Nevil and Nigel decided they needed a company name, and noticed also at the hotel were many members of the Brethren faith. Taking this as a ‘sign’, Nevil and Nigel decided the name “Bless” was appropriate. And with Nevil being a passionate wildlife photographer, especially of African wildlife, the name Blesbok was born. The name conjures up images of strength, speed, courage, beauty and uniqueness – all characteristics we like to think are emulated at Blesbok Enterprises.

Our very first customer – a fibreglass engineering company – asked us to source ancillary items for their business, which we did successfully, and we’re extremely proud they remain a key customer of ours to this day! Actually, the majority of our clients are referrals, so we know we’re doing something right when clients continuously refer new clients.

So what do our clients love about Blesbok Enterprises? Our product and service guarantee, security in their IP and a dynamic offering, where we enable customers to do what they do best – promote and sell their products, without having to invest time, money or effort in manufacturing and logistics. We are their factory, and this enables our clients to focus on running their business to achieve maximum ROI.

Contact us

Discover how our expert team can help with your product or packaging project to grow your business. All our work is guaranteed, so let our Blesbok Enterprises team help you today!