Nevil Lazarus


Seeing my daughter Elli Cohen take the reins at Blesbok Enterprises as an amazing sales oriented, driven and excited businesswoman is something I’m extremely proud of. As such, I’ve now graduated to become Blesbok’s accountant since I’m a qualified CA :).

What I love and what our clients love about our business is that we have a dynamic offering where we enable customers to do what they do best – promote and sell their products without having to invest in manufacturing. Blesbok is their personal factory, enabling clients to run their businesses with maximum return on investment. Importantly we never own their intellectual property, this is always owned by the client.

What I enjoy most about what we do every day at Blesbok is seeing strategies come to fruition, taking on new opportunities and growing with our customers. We have a multitude of wonderful examples of this, and incredible success stories, of which I’m extremely proud.

When I’m not at Blesbok Enterprises you’ll find me taking wildlife photography – a lifelong passion of mine.

My goal in life is ‘to live my business life and my private life in the way that I wish to be thought of and spoken about when I am no longer living.’

Please contact me, Elli, or any of our amazing team for expert advice, guidance and assistance, any time.


Elli Cohen

General Manager

At Blesbok Enterprises, our mission is to work with customers to solve their sourcing and manufacturing requirements, bringing an idea to reality. We are invested in positive outcomes for our customers. Their success is our success.

We have a great habit of holding on to our customers because we are invested in their success and they can tell we genuinely care and are here to support their business growth.

All our decisions are based on the best interests of our clients. Whether working with small start-ups or multi-nationals we work with passion, honesty, intelligence and integrity. 

And we bring the same practice and philosophy to our valued and loyal suppliers and our employees.   

I am passionate about providing a dynamic, positive and nurturing work environment for our team. Working collaboratively with a positive, driven, capable team in the office everyday is a great source of inspiration.

I like to think of myself as a highly organised multitasker. My grandfather always said: ” If you need something done, give it to someone who is busy.”

Outside of work, I enjoy running and exercising, shopping, cooking and family (not necessarily in that order!)

Contact me if you need any help with bringing a concept to reality!

Follow me on Linkedin:

Harry Shane Koopman K/A Shane

Mechanical Designer/Engineering

AKA Chief Firefighter and problem solver on call 24/7. I have 30 years’ experience in the manufacturing environment as a Toolmaker for plastic injection mould tools, designer of plastic parts, and as a manufacturer/technical manager and I have 15 years of overseas manufacturing and sourcing experience in New Zealand, Korea and China.  

I enjoy project work with clients, working their ideas through the technical phases to commercial reality. I get great satisfaction from seeing items out in the world that I have helped bring to commercial reality.

Why Blesbok Enterprises? Because we hold customer service as the No.1 priority. The owner and founder of Blesbok, Nevil Lazarus, a dear friend and father figure, has taught me amongst other things that customer service in all aspects of the business is utmost. Constant communication on progress is crucial here at Blesbok. Our aim is to ensure you only need to be concerned with the commercial aspect of your business, knowing that Blesbok Enterprises has your manufacturing and logistics under control.

I have great attention to detail – my mind is always busy running through scenarios to check I have not missed a step. If I could offer businesses any words of advice, it’s that sourcing projects are rarely set-in concrete. It is uncommon for an initial idea to flow on the original conceived path. There are variables, choices and alternative opportunities along that path that will affect the original idea. Be prepared to be open minded, flexible and continuously consulted, understanding you will need to make decisions for changes along the way. Allow some flexibility in timing where possible for unseen challenges. Understand that a project entails not just the product manufacturing, but the logistics required to transport and distribute said product in order to make the entire project commercially viable.

When I’m not working you’ll find me fishing, taking photographs, motorbiking or enjoying family activities.

Contact me if you need any help with any form of technical or commercial advice, I am here to assist 24/7.

Matthew Phillips

Technical Engineering Quality Manager

I work with customers to build business opportunities through engineering assistance in technical design and functionality of the customers products, to facilitate manufacture within the Blesbok Enterprises manufacturing operations and facilities.

I have over 45 years’ experience in manufacturing and design of plastic veterinary products and metal products and 15 years’ experience in overseas manufacturing quality control. I’m trade fitter and turner certified, and I have a Masters of Business and technology from UNSW. 


I’m passionate about my work. I love seeing results from hard work and team efforts. I’m privileged to work with a great team and love what we do every day


Why Blesbok? CANDOBlesbok is a CAN DO company, nothing is too hard or difficult. Clients love us because we exceed customers expectations in our manufacturing knowledge, technical support and sales and logistics prowess. We offer a one-stop-shop fully guaranteeing the customer’s results.

Toong Wei Tsang

Technical Support Business Development

AKA the Technical Troubleshooter – both at work and at home. I love being able to help or improve things I encounter, making it better than yesterday and finding a way that things might not work.

I love this quote from Jim Rohn: “Either you run the day, or the day runs you.” I love challenges, learning, innovating, hard work and volunteering. I’m ethical, patient, risk averse and pro eco-friendly.

At Blesbok we have a simple agenda – to deliver the best solution and the best experience for every customer. With the combined knowledge and experience and careful coordination of our talented team, we strive to keep the noise, complications, and time consumption at a minimum for customers to deliver a great product development experience.

I (and with certainty all members of the team) will genuinely review all opportunities and feedback (both positive and negative) to find how we can best work together and continuously improve.

With more than 13 years of new challenges working globally with customers, retailers, and suppliers to bring concepts and projects to reality (and onto shelves) for consumers, I’m grateful my career has allowed me to experience amazing cultures and savour delicious cuisines throughout Asia, Europe and America.

Chelsea Zhao

Sourcing Specialist

AKA the Omni Girl and the allrounder in the office, handling sourcing, logistics, accounting and new business development tasks.

With my marketing background and many years’ experience in international trading and sourcing, I identify customers’ needs and provide tailored solutions.

I’m a highly organised person who enjoys improving work process along with everything else in my life. I also have a strong sense of caring for everyone around me. And I love trendy things in all aspects –  technology / fashion / lifestyle.

Blesbok has the best company culture and work environment. And I love that I’m directly connected to customers and the industry, involved in NPD and marketing, and providing solutions which benefits customers.

Julian Penagos

Business Consultant

Hola! Let me introduce myself, I’m Julian Penagos, I am from the exotic South America, where I finished a Business Management bachelor. After working in a multinational for 5 years, I decided to come to the beautiful land down under and started working for Blesbok after finishing an MBA in 2018.

I’m the spreadsheet “geek” and I’m passionate about process improvements. As Business Consultant, I think strategically, I know the importance of happy customers and enjoy finding practical solutions to everyday challenges. If you give me a task, take for granted that I will seek to complete it and add value to it.

I am very lucky to have found a job that I really enjoy and to work with amazing workmates that have become my second family. Blesbok is an easygoing environment that allows me to give my opinion freely and I know it will be taken into account.

The best way to describe myself is as a self-driven and analytic person, someone that always sees the bright side of every situation and a proud family man that recently became a father, so my new hobbies are changing nappies and long nights without sleeping. But let me tell you… it’s all worth it!

Contact me if you need help with stock availability, delivery schedules, status updates and general enquiries. 

Erin Wang

Supply Chain Specialist

I’m passionate about numbers and finding details in the data. I love finding innovative solutions to help our customers. People would consider me reliable, focused and detail driven.

With a Masters Degree (from my dream university) and over 10 years’ experience in the manufacturing industry in China, I’m thoroughly familiar with the entire supply chain process from materials purchasing to international shipments.   

Why Blesbok? I enjoy the enthusiasm of the team to look after our clients – the team works together and supports each other to get the best results for our customers. Our motto should be: Let us look after you.


Thomas Koopman

Engineer & Draftsman

My role at Blesbok is to support the team with technical documents pertaining to each project – be that new concepts or adjustments and revisions for improvements to existing products.

I get great satisfaction from designing new quality products, seeing them out in the community and receiving positive feedback about the products.

I love that the variety of projects we work on at Blesbok is truly amazing – I might be working on steel structures for mining equipment in the morning and supplement packaging for vitamins in the afternoon. There is never a moment without new challenges.

I have meticulous attention to detail and will always take the time to ensure a job is done the right way – never cutting corners!

Blesbok has grown since I joined in 2015, yet we are a close team supporting each other, all with the main goal to support our clients to ensure their products are manufactured and delivered so they can concentrate on their business. 

My advice to businesses looking to source and manufacture products would be: continue evaluating your expectations; have some flexibility in timelines for challenges that only become apparent once a project is underway; and moving new projects from an idea to commercial reality requires flexibility of thinking and understanding.

Contact me if you need any help with technical drawings for your product or technical advice.

Christine Anne Meneses

Logistics Assistant

AKA the Delivery Orchestrator😁. I am highly organised, typically shy but cheerful and very appreciative of the simple things in life. I am committed to learning and self-development so that I can consistently achieve better results while helping the company grow.

Blesbok is all about teamwork and excellence. We are always here to help you!

I also love that I have control and freedom within my work. I enjoy the sincere appreciation I get not only from my boss, but also from my colleagues. A simple “thank you” goes a long way to boosting positivity and productivity at work.

Quote I live by is: Keep going. Everything you need will come to you at the perfect time. ❤️

Outside of work my passion is cooking – I find it very therapeutic.

Contact me if you need help with delivery issues, timing or even recipes :). 

Cepheus Wang

Sourcing specialist

With a background in customer service, procurement and purchasing, I specialise in sourcing all types of packaging products and provide all the necessary information before an order is placed.

Every day at Blesbok is different from the next. The best part of my day is sourcing the most suitable, quality product/solution for our customer at a competitive price. This is a profession where I see tangible results in the world. When I see a product in store and know I was part of the process for creating it, it always brings me great satisfaction.

Blesbok has a great team with outstanding corporate ethics. Everyone is helpful and eager to contribute to the growth of the company by being a one-stop-shop for the manufacture, quality control and supply of products.

A quote I live by is: “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity” by Albert Einstein.

I’m a determined, highly motivated, positive and enthusiastic person, and relish a challenge. I’m very good at finding solutions to problems.  

Personally I’m always looking to challenge myself, improve and develop new skills, which is one reason why I enjoy working as a sourcing specialist at Blesbok. I’ve learned great communication, negotiation and problem-solving skills and these help me in my day-to-day work as well as in my personal life.